Humanitarian action - CARE ZIMBABWE

Humanitarian action

By working with local partners, CIZ provides quality and gender-focused humanitarian assistance.

An older woman talks with a younger woman, who is holding a cell phone, at a store counter. There is a basket of grocery items and a bag of flour on the counter.

The number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Zimbabwe has continued to increase due to exacerbation of climate emergency and economic challenges. 

What is CARE International doing to respond to crises?

Together with our partners, we prepare for and respond rapidly, at scale, to sudden onset natural disasters, protracted and complex crises (as well as shocks within them), and public health emergencies and their secondary impacts.

By the end of 2021, CARE’s COVID-19 response reached 2,5 million people in Zimbabwe. CARE International plays a leading role in transforming the humanitarian sector by putting gender at the center of our responses. We use specific approaches that protect people’s dignity, and build resilience and social cohesion in communities before, during, and after an emergency. Our core humanitarian sectors are:

  • Emergency cash assistance
  • Shelter
  • Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)
  • Food
  • Sexual and reproductive health and rights

By the end of 2021, CARE’s COVID-19 response reached 2,5 million people in Zimbabwe.

Our programming is:

  • Gender-responsive and intersectional
  • Conflict-sensitive and safe
  • Inclusive
  • Locally led

Our humanitarian programming has been implemented fully or mostly with local partners, with increased attention on the powerful role of local women’s organizations in delivering locally led and gender-transformative humanitarian response.

Our humanitarian programming uses models like Women Lead in Emergencies (WLiE) bring together different elements of CARE’s gender in emergencies work and is applied by CARE and our partners to transform social and gender norms in humanitarian action. Further to this, CARE uses evidence from our Rapid Gender Analysis and participatory needs assessment processes to ensure that our humanitarian work is needs-based and takes an intersectional approach to serve the most vulnerable or at risk within a specific context.

CIZ partners with governments, UN agencies, international and national NGOs, (including NGO networks), academic institutions, and private sector actors in countries, regions, and at the global level. We invite like-minded organizations, from social movements to inter-governmental organizations, to partner with us in ways that allow us to strengthen our joint humanitarian response on the ground.